
Discover the creative flamenco projects including innovative performances, collaborations, and musical expressions I have under way. Join us for a thrilling flamenco journey

Valentino Flamenco Ensemble

This project involves some awesome artists including Rosy Estrada and Curro Vicente on vocals, flamenco dancer Caterina Pizzati and percussionist Matt Crans, where you can experience the purity of what is “Flamenco”.

Valentino Flamenco Duo

I am currently preparing for some duo performances with percussionist Matt Crans which will be based in Melbourne to start with and then hopefully expand locations.

Flamenco and Pop

This is a very exciting project with some great musicians by the name of Arif Ulusoy, Dilan Ulusoy and Matt Crans where we take some great pop songs and flamenconize them! Keep an eye out on this one!

For upcoming events visit my “Events” page